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Chinese translation for "ring binder"


Related Translations:
binder board:  刨花板;纸板。
binder metering:  粘合剂计量
load binder:  锁紧器扎紧管子的装置
binder proportioning:  粘合剂配料
binder dispersion:  粘合剂分散剂
binder formulation:  粘结剂配方
binder spray:  喷胶器粘结剂
pedestal binder:  车架托板轴架夹板
anhydrite binder:  硬石膏粘结材料
propellant binder:  推进剂粘合剂
Example Sentences:
1.Specification for loose leaf binders - ring binders with metal mechanisms
2.Darren : i am , but i ' ve got a three - ring binder that i can use for notes , too
3.You print up your manual , put the pages in a three - ring binder , and use it to train all your new helpers
4.Good luck preparing your portfolio ! ! an answer to a common question : you can submit your portfolio in an envelope , a folder with pockets , or a ring binder
祝你们准备文件夹好运! !一个常见问题的答案:你可以将文件夹放在信封内、有袋的文件夹内、或是活页本内缴交。
5.Swedex gmbh co kg deals among other things in binding systems , laminating systems as well as in thermal binder systems , presentation files and also in presentation ring binder
Swedex gmbh co kg是一家高级企业,该企业使用多种工艺制造打包系统、胶结系统,复合系统,热象仪器系统,代表文件夹。
6.Elements of the system include latex - impregnated and synthetic bonded forms , spiral and perfect - bound notebooks , esd - safe transplex and polypropylene clipboards , three - ring binders and tabs , refills , document holders , cleanroom pens , labels and self - binders and tabs , refills , document holders , cleanroom pens , labels and self - adhesive notepads
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